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The new Turbosem model works successfully on Ukrainian fields

In SFG "Soil expert" (Poltava Region, Myrhorod District) our Turbosem 25-36 monodisc planter is successfully operating. 

Turbosem 25-36 is a 9 m wide planter with 36 monodisc coulters spaced at a distance of 25 cm. Since 2023, this unit has already been works in Romania and now in Ukraine.

Productive, versatile and reliable, this sowing complex managed to sow more than 600 hectares (soybeans according to minimal technology and No-Till, rapeseed after wheat and soybeans, cover crops).

The owners liked the work of the seeder so much that they continued sowing with the Turbosem complex instead of the experimental plot.

Pneumatic sowing complex "Turbosem" - a universal sowing unit that allows sowing regardless of the method of tillage (traditional, minimal and zero No-Till technology). It carries out uniform planting of seeds in the soil thanks to the constructive solution of the coulter, which allows you to accurately copy the topography of the field. Sows various crops: grain, small-seeded, row crops. The seeder is able to apply loose fertilizers simultaneously with the seeds and separately.

You can watch a video about the work of Turbosem 25-36 in the Poltava region on the Agro-Soyuz channel:

Do you want a planter like this? We will be happy to advise you and select the optimal configuration for your conditions!


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