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No-Till in Bulgaria and field demonstration of Turbosem

When the presentation of a 3-meter Turbosem was done, Agro-Soyuz demonstrated a time-proven model Turbosem 19-40 (working width – 7.63 meters) to Bulgarian farmers.

The single-disc machine was drilling winter wheat into different field conditions: after corn and into sunflower stalks. It did a really great job! The field demos were arranged on Nasko Spiridonov’s fields. He’s happy about the operation of his new machine.

Nasko is a conventional farmer and grows crops on 2,500 hectares. Five years ago he started experimenting with No-Till technology on one field in order to compare results with conventional farming.

This year Nasko started conversion to No-Till and purchased Turbosem drill from Agro-Soyuz. He’s also going to introduce cover crops into his crop rotation.
Eduard Romankov and the senior agronomist and farm manager compared soil quality both on conventional and No-Till fields. Similar crops, similar nutrition and spraying, but different soil tillage technologies. We appreciate our partner’s – Animex company – efforts in organizing this event!

For more information about our visit to Bulgaria, visit our YouTube channel:

Наско Спиридонов

Турбосем на полях Болгарии

Турбосем на полях Болгарии

На полях Наско Спиридонова

Сев по подсолнечнику

Турбосем на полях Болгарии